digiTale Journey
I’ve been working on
Buffer Fringe 2019
In Buffer Fringe 2019 festival I will present 30-minute fringe version of digiTale Journey, specificly focusing on #borders, #war, and #peace topics. In live show visuals are different. carries huge importance to express the problems we are experiencing about the medium of the art we have been dealing with. Originality, ownership, etc. are quite problematic in nowadays world & technology. The particular video stands as a quite simple example actually: Original music composed by Hans Zimmer. Patrick re-arrange it and played on the piano. Photographs are shot buy more than 30 different photographers, within +50 years timeline. Uğur collage all those photographs in photoshop. Benjamin Zander gave an amazing TED Talk about the importance of Classical Music. So In the story that I wanna have, I use all those elements and create a whole new dimension as art. How will we separate intellectual property in this scenario? is quite a hard question to answer. And advert based model supported copyright model is absolutely not our answer, it is artificially created idea that just 80 years old…